I love listening to podcasts. Even more than music. It’s amazing what inspiration or ideas you can get from listening to a podcast.

There are many podcast platforms out there such as Spotify, Soundcloud, and Apple.  I prefer Spotify but will sometimes search Youtube for something good to listen to.

I will from time to time listen to podcasts throughout the day, but Saturday mornings are my podcast time. I get up out of bed, brew a fresh pot of coffee, find the podcast I want to listen to, and sit back for a relaxing morning. If I get any ideas out of the podcasts I listen to, I will make note of those in my Apple Notes for later.

I’ve put together a list of the 5 podcasts to listen to if you’re a writer or content creator. Some are obvious, but a few are a little outside the box and I’ll explain why I included them.

The Ground Up Show

Matt DeAvella is another guy I’ve followed for a few years now. Matt is an outstanding content creator and video producer. The Ground Up Show is a podcast that inspires creatives to make meaningful content & pursue their passions. Award-winning filmmaker Matt D’Avella, best known for the Netflix documentary Minimalism, sits down with creators to talk about their process, the lessons they’ve learned & how to make an impact.

Although there haven’t been any recent additions to the podcast, there are plenty of prior episodes to listen to and learn from.

Content Strategy Insights

Interviews with content strategy experts and other insights on content creation. The Content Strategy Insights podcast covers the full span of content strategy topics such as content design, content creation, content management, content marketing, UX writing, etc. These episodes average 30 minutes long, so it’s just long enough that you can get some practical applications out of it and not get drowned by an hour or two of conversation that never ends up benefiting you.

The Writer Files

With episodes like “how to write a book in 1 month” and “5 things only serious writers do,” the Writers Files podcast aims to break down writer’s routines and analyzes the science behind creativity and how behavioral hacks can make writers more productive and efficient. Think of this as the X Files for writers.

The Tim Ferriss Show

I’ve been following Tim Ferriss for several years now. Ever since he released the 4-Hour Work Week and 4-Hour Body. I listen to both his official podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, and videos on his Youtube channel. He has some interesting shorter Youtube videos worth listening to. They cover subjects such as note-taking, how to read and digest a book, and different daily routines he has. All things that a writer can benefit from. Some of his episodes have similar topics to the Writer Files, but he mixes it up with some pretty unique interviews. Definitely worth the time to listen to.

Intelligence Matters

The Intelligence Matters podcast is a little out of the ordinary when it comes to writer’s podcasts. For one, I like this podcast because of my interest in national security, but some of the interviews he does with former intelligence analysts have actually opened my eyes to different ways of obtaining information when conducting research for an article. Some of the analysts he has interviewed have also authored books about their experiences as CIA Intelligence Analysts, which I have in turn bought and read. Those books have led me to tweak my methods of both information gathering and interpretation of that information; a very beneficial skill for any writer to have.


Podcasts are some of the most convenient ways to obtain information, grow your knowledge and elevate your content creation. You can listen to podcasts while you’re doing almost anything. I recommend at least starting out with trying a few of the above and go from there. If you have a favorite podcast that is not mentioned here, drop it in the comments section.

By Published On: April 6, 2021Categories: Writer Development3.4 min read677 wordsViews: 812