7 Writing Tips To Level Up Your CraftMany times it’s challenging for new writers to find the right words, to tell the story that people want to read, or to begin writing in the first place.

We’ve compiled seven simple writing tips that will help struggling writers, as well as seasoned writers, perfect their craft.

Write Something Every Day

How do you improve your writing? Simple, Write every day!

Improve the quality of your work by writing every day. The more you write each day, the better and easier it will become.

Whether you write blogs, website copy, social media captions, or emails, do it regularly.

Create and Follow A Routine Every Day

Haruki Murakami shared the importance of routine. He wakes up at 4 a.m every day and writes for 4 to 6 hours without any interruptions. In the afternoon, he runs for 15 minutes and goes to bed at 10 p.m.

Henry Miller suggests working on one thing at a time until you finish it. From the moment he wakes up till he finishes that one job, he never leaves his room.

Kurt Vonnegut used to wake up at 5:30 in the morning and worked till 8:00 a.m. That is 2.5 hours of uninterrupted writing.

For a writer, a routine is their lifeline. When you follow a routine, it trains your brain to produce ideas and become more productive and creative.

To avoid writer’s block, follow the same routine every day. Sit at the same place at the same time and take frequent breaks in between. Emphasis on taking breaks. That is a must throughout the day to avoid burnout.

Never Stop Reading

Reading is fuel for the brain. To make massive improvements in your writing, you must read obsessively. Read something unique. Be it fiction or nonfiction, fuel your brain with new ideas every day.

When you read other’s books and blogs, you get a chance to learn from them. It will also spur your imagination and provide you with more ideas to write about.

Every day, block out time for reading. If you are on a strict schedule, wake up one hour early and read or sleep one hour late and read. Whatever you do, don’t stop yourself from reading.

Learn The Art Of Storytelling

Storytelling is an art form in itself. It requires creativity, vision, skill, and practice. I would go as far as to even so it will require you to have some grit. The ability to power through because storytelling is hard and it’s not something you’re going to grasp in one sitting.

Storytelling has become a crucial component of the most successful marketing campaigns. It’s What separates the strong brands from the weak. It’s what will build loyal repeat visitors versus a one-time visitor.

Telling my story, even though I wasn’t selling anything, gave visitors to our site a backstory to my origins and my why for writing. That story built genuine connections with the readers. Having transparency like that is what builds a loyal following.

Always Have a Notebook On Hand

Observation and having the ability to notice things contribute to your writing skills. You see the world from a broader lens. Sadly, ideas vanish just as fast as they appear. So, to make them stick, write them in a notepad.

It can be a pocket-size notepad that you can carry in your back pocket to write in as soon as the inspiration strikes.

Ideas strike in a relaxed state of mind, such as lying down in bed or taking a shower. Every day note down at least 20 observations. Every night pick those ideas and convert them into blogs or a blog copy.

Accept Feedback and Constructive Criticism

The fastest way to improve is to get feedback and follow the advice to improve your writing. At times, the feedback might seem harsh, and that’s fine because it’s only going to make you better.

At a previous job we had peer reviews of the narratives we wrote. For every narrative I wrote when I first started, a senior co-worker would “peer-review” my work and offer corrections and suggestions.

Note what people are saying about your writing and improve the elements that need attention.

Expect Rejection and Use It To Your Advantage

30 publications rejected Carrie by Stephen King. The paperback version went on to sell 1 million copies in its first year.

Tim Ferriss sent The 4-hour workweek to 25 publications and was rejected. Later the book sold 2.1 copies and was translated into 40 languages.

Understand that rejection is part of the writing and publishing process. Learn from every rejection and keep moving forward. Hard work pays off.

If you want to improve your craft and leave a lasting impact on your readers, never stop writing and never stop reading.

By Published On: June 17, 2021Categories: Writer Development, Becoming a Writer, Improving Your Writing4.1 min read810 wordsViews: 4566