Writer Development

Work From Home Hacks To Keep You Going

May 7, 2021|Writer Development|

Having been working from home for over a year now due to COVID, there are still common problems many are seeking solutions to in order to stay productive. While the work from home benefits have been clear, in terms of the increased flexibility it [...]

Why Are All Our Interns On Zoloft?

May 1, 2021|Writer Development|

Anxiety sucks. It emotionally and physically saps your energy.  This article addresses how to use the creative flow to turn mental churning off and enhance productivity. Forward:  About this site and the author of this post. This site is the baby of Scott Witner [...]

How To Avoid Procrastination As a Writer

April 22, 2021|Writer Development|

You have a deadline creeping up on you like a thief in the night. However, instead of working on your content, you are screwing around with things like checking email, scrolling through your social media feed, and watching YouTube videos. And speaking of YouTube, [...]

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