Find Used Extrusion Equipment For Sale From PlastiWin

Are you looking for extrusion equipment for sale for your project or facility? You can count a wide selection of extruders in top shape from PlastiWin Capital Equipment. PlastiWin is dedicated to providing quality used plastic machinery and processing equipment to all of their customers.

Their website is constantly updated with equipment for sale, so don’t wait to find what you’re looking for. Let’s take a look at some of the top-of-the-line used extruders they are currently selling.

davis standard extruder

Davis Standard Single Screw Extruder

PlastiWin is currently selling a 150 HP Davis Standard 30:1 L/D Single Screw Extruder. How does this equipment work? A single screw extruder is used extensively in the plastics industry for melting polymers. This machine also incorporates additives as needed. Additives can change depending on your project, but coloring pigments and fillers are commonly used.

The extruder then delivers a homogenized melt at a high pressure before shaping the final product.

This extruder has six barrel zones and one side plate, and uses a 3.5” 2-Stage Screw for the process. Don’t miss a great deal on a quality used extruder.


American Maplan Single Screw Extruder

American Maplan is a leading provider of extrusion equipment based in Cincinnati. They are committed to excellence in engineering by developing efficient extrusion lines. This used extruder is air cooled, and comes with 14 barrel zones. It has a 3” screw and a 3” barrel, and uses a 200 HP Motor to perform its functions. This single screw extruder is truly a feat of engineering and comes at a great price when you shop PlastiWin.

welex sheet roller

Used Welex 3 Roll Sheet Stack

Looking for a roll sheet stack? Plastic sheet extrusion equipment is what you need to make plastic sheets of different sizes for varying products. This sheet can either be sold as a product, or used as part of a final project. For example, a plexiglass or plastic sheet can cover the outside of a traffic sign. These sheets are useful because they are sturdy but flexible, meaning they can be adjusted for varying applications and last for years.

PlastiWin currently has a used Welex 3 Roll Sheet Stack available. This sheet stack has adjustable top and bottom rolls, and is upgraded with a fixed middle roll. Welex is a leader in extrusion solutions. They have more than four decades of experience in developing leading extrusion and multi-layer methods that lead the industry worldwide. You can count on Welex for premium new and used products that are engineered with precision and detail, and get the job done right every time. You can purchase this sheet stack from PlastiWin today. 

plastiwin capital equipment

About PlastiWin Capital Equipment | Extrusion Equipment for Sale

PlastiWin Capital Equipment is a leader in used injection molding equipment, extrusion, recycling, and size reduction machinery. They buy and sell plastic molding equipment around the world, and have the connections you need to find competitive pricing on outstanding products. From material handling to molding machines, this team has the expertise to guide you through the buying process until you are completely satisfied.

Brands that PlastiWin carries include: Engle, Toshiba, Arburg, Welex, Husky, and more. They have more than 35 years of experience in providing this equipment to customers worldwide. At PlastiWin, customer service is always top priority. Even if you are unsure of exactly what you need, a team member can answer your questions and guide you in the right direction. Don’t wait to get the equipment you need. The PlastiWin website is constantly updated with new products.


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By Published On: July 9, 2021Categories: Used Plastics Processing Equipment3.1 min read598 wordsViews: 763