What Are Twitter Trending Hashtags?
Information gathering is a valuable resource and skill to have as a writer and content creator. With the advent of numerous social media platforms, that task has been made much easier. Especially if you know how to search on and follow Twitter trending hashtags.
In previous generations, people relied on traditional mass media such as libraries, newspapers, radio, and television to know what was going on locally and around the world. Maybe you had a research paper for school that you would have to spend hours at the library on. The issue with using some of the traditional mass media options was that they were not always current. That trusty morning newspaper was more than likely outdated by lunchtime.
These days, however, information is very easily accessible, at any time of the day and on a variety of topics. Especially on the Twitter platform.
Staying Current With Trending Topics on Twitter
Out of all the social media platforms, Twitter is the most popular when it comes to gathering information on current events. I would go as far as even saying the information on Twitter is damn near real-time. You just need to find the right Twitter trending hashtags to follow based on your search criteria.
Even CIA case officers and analysts use Twitter as a reliable source of current information. Sarak Carlson, a former CIA officer, talks about how she used Twitter in her book ‘In The Dark of War.’
I soon established a general daily pattern. I woke early and was usually one of the first into the office. I checked my email for immediate requirements. I ate breakfast outside on the porch and scanned the internet and social media, in English and Arabic, for the latest developments.
I quickly discovered social media was the best source for immediate, force protection-type information. Locals frequently posted about road closures, shootings, and protests. The information was usually posted first in Arabic, then later in English.
I reached out to Sarah to ask her specifically about her use of Twitter.
My use of Twitter was pretty basic but informative. I created a generic account and then followed Libyan journalists and frequent/reliable locals. I also followed certain hashtags but kept it generic: #Libya, #Tripoli, #Benghazi, and other cities, both in English and Arabic.
I would also search on keywords during certain cruises and events, but my most common search was for “Tripoli” in Arabic. I wanted to see all the tweets and then filter through them. I also checked Twitter constantly when I wasn’t inside the SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility).
Sarah kept her process very simple, but some people are super detailed and complex in how they set up Twitter searches. It all depends on the type of information you are after. Let’s see how exactly we can use Twitter for information gathering and follow specific hashtags.
How To Follow a Twitter Hashtag
Now Its Time To Go Follow Some Twitter Trending Hashtags
As you can see, following a Twitter hashtag is pretty easy to do. Once you learn how to use hashtags on Twitter, the platform becomes a great source of news and information. Following the right Twitter hashtag and the right account, and you’re sure to always be informed on your topics of interest.
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