Looking For Online School Bus Driver Training?

Kids crossing the street after getting off the bus | School bus driver trainingIf you need online school bus driver training, you want to select a course that will give you the most comprehensive overview of bus driver training and safety. The benefits of completing a training course online are that your options are flexible. You can complete the course wherever you have web access.

When it comes to online school bus driver training, look to the School Bus Safety Company. Their course is an in-depth look at the basics of school bus driving, and how to keep everyone safe. Their courses seek to change driver behavior with the hope of maximizing safety on the road and minimize risk.

Let’s take a look at what this online school bus driver training includes.

Details Of Online School Bus Driver Training

The School Bus Safety Company’s course was designed by school bus safety experts. It seeks to develop safe, professional behavior, and to teach drivers how to form behaviors that last.

This course covers 25 topics that teach drivers everything they need to know about safe school bus driving. The course begins with safety and defensive driving techniques that teach real-world skills when it comes to defensive driving. Next, the course teaches all about the bus. You will learn about pre and post-inspections, how to check brakes, and much more. This is truly the safest online school bus driver training program on the market.

In addition to these tips, you’ll also learn about different types of driving situations. You’ll master intersections, study railroad crossings, and learn more about pedestrian safety. You can feel confident navigating different types of driving scenarios when you take the School Bus Safety Company’s course.

Driver And Student Safety

Set of DVDs for School Bus Driver Training from SBSCWhen it comes to online school bus driver training, it’s essential that you understand both the driver’s safety and the safety of the children. With this course, you’ll learn about driver fatigue and driver distractions. You’ll also study how to prevent harassment, with the hopes of facilitating a positive environment on the bus.

In terms of the student experience, you’ll get a comprehensive look at student management. You’ll learn about safe bus stops, sleeping students, and in more intense situations, how to manage extreme student behavior. Even if you don’t have to confront all of the situations on the road, you want to have an understanding of student safety and behavior. That way, you’ll be prepared to handle whatever comes your way.

At the end of the course, you’ll take a final exam to ensure that the knowledge you learned will stick with you. This online school bus driver training course comes with 25 instructional DVDs, a final exam, and 15 educational posters. This is truly a remarkable value for the quality and amount of content you’ll receive.


About School Bus Safety Company

School Bus Safety Company Logo | School Bus Driver Training

The School Bus Safety Company has been training bus drivers for over 20 years in all things of bus safety. These award-winning online school bus driver training programs are industry-leading in that they allow prospective drivers to train from anywhere. You can access these courses on DVD, through a thumb drive, or on the web with an Internet connection.

When it comes to school bus safety, this team of experts knows how to create a comprehensive course that keeps the road safe. Company President Jeff Cassell has more than 20 years of experience in student safety. He is responsible for the installations of crossing gates on more than 38,000 buses and the first major installation of the Child Checkmate System! This system ensures that drivers check for sleeping children. He is an industry expert and pioneer for best safety practices on school buses.

If you’re looking for the best online school bus driver training, look no further. Contact the School Bus Safety Company to learn more and get started today.

By Published On: February 3, 2021Categories: School Bus Driver Training3.4 min read649 wordsViews: 818