Clear Up The Confusion Around Social Security | Social Security Attorneys Near Me
Applying for any kind of medical benefits can be difficult. Do I qualify? When should I apply? How much does it cost? The same applies to Social Security, and it can be especially difficult without social security attorneys near me.
If you need information about the Social Security Disability process, there are a few steps you can take. First, read through the following four most frequently asked questions about SSD/SSI. If you’re still looking for help later, you can search for social security attorneys near me that will walk you through the process
Follow along to help clear the fog around social security disability.
#1 Who Qualifies For Social Security Disability?
If you have been affected by an injury or medical condition that’s made you unable to work, you may qualify for SSD/SSI. Your impairment must have lasted for at least a year, expected to last for a year or possibly in death. You are also required to have worked and paid Social Security Tax for 5 years out of the 10 years immediately preceding the start of your disability.
If you haven’t worked and paid SS for enough years, you can still qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Otherwise, you must prove you can’t do any kind of other work based on your age, education, and work experience. You can’t qualify for benefits if you’re able to work but just can’t get hired.
#2 When Should I Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits?
It’s time to apply for SSD if you’re suffering from an injury or physical/mental disability that prohibits you from returning to regular work. Your disability claim also has to be submitted to and approved by the Social Security Administration.
If you’re not sure about your current situation and if you’ll be able to return to work, you can talk to social security attorneys near me for help. These attorneys can help guide you through the complicated legal aspects of SSD. Consider finding a professional or agency that doesn’t charge an initial consultation fee.
#3 Can I Receive Social Security Disability Benefits As The Result of a Work-Related Injury?
Yes, you can! While work-related injuries are nothing to celebrate, you can at least breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you can still qualify for SSD benefits due to a work-related injury.
As long as the injury will prevent you from returning to work for more than a year or expected to be more than a year, you qualify. You’ll need to have your doctor’s reports and worker compensation information handy for your SSD application.
#4 What Happens After I File?
After you file your claim with the Social Security Administration, they perform an investigation. Their investigation can include things such as contacting your doctors or scheduling independent medical exams.
The Social Security Administration conducts these investigations to collect all evidence about your case. Once they have collected and reviewed all of it, they can make their decision. The decision process can take anywhere from four to six months after you submit your claim, or longer depending on how far behind the administration is on cases.
Get Help From Social Security Attorneys Near Me Today
Now that some of that fog surrounding Social Security Disability benefits has been cleared, you can feel more confident about moving forward. If you’re still looking for more answers, you can search for social security attorneys near me. If you feel confident about the process, you can begin the claims process yourself. Whatever option you choose, remember that they are people and agencies out there who are able to help you immediately with such a difficult process.
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