
Give Your Garage a Gift That Keeps on Giving

Finished epoxy flooring by Ohio Garage InteriorsYour garage does not have to be just a dusty place where you park your car. It is an extension of your home, and it should feel that way every time you walk out the door or come home from work. When installing garage flooring, you need something that offers exceptional protection for years after installation, and epoxy flooring is the obvious choice.

Ohio Garage Interiors is a leading provider of epoxy flooring installation in Northeast Ohio. If you want to get the most out of your garage flooring, OGI will give you the most bang for your buck with flooring solutions that look better and last longer than more expensive options. But what exactly does epoxy flooring do better than the competition? Why shouldn’t you leave your flooring as it is?

Concrete Needs a Helping Hand

If you have not already painted or sealed your garage floor, you are likely working with standard, bare concrete. Concrete is the ideal foundation for a garage floor, but it has its limitations. While it offers the strength to support heavy objects and last for many years, it won’t be long before it starts to break down.

Torn up concrete garage floor | Epoxy flooring near meCracking is probably the first thing you will notice in terms of flooring defects. Concrete is naturally rigid, so it is going to crack at some point. Thankfully, these cracks are rarely signs of larger structural issues, but a garage with cracks running through it is far from visually appealing.

Ohio weather is concrete’s arch-nemesis, causing cracking to occur much more frequently than in other climates. The temperature and humidity changes throughout the year cause the concrete to expand and contract, forming many cosmetic cracks. Then, the winter introduces thaw cycles during which repeatedly freezes, expands, and melts. This makes the existing cracks even larger than before!

When combined with road salts, corrosive chemicals, and regular traffic, Ohio weather tears concrete apart, but you can protect your concrete floor with high-strength epoxy flooring. Ohio Garage Interiors uses polyaspartic polyurea, one of the strongest flooring materials on the market. This will protect the flooring from incoming damage and correct any surface-level issues with a crack-filling compound. Polyaspartic epoxy flooring gives the concrete foundation the extra strength it needs to maintain a seamless, defect-free surface for many years.

Nature Stone Just Isn’t Worth It

Nature stone is popular among homeowners looking for a more natural aesthetic, and misleading advertising makes it seem like a budget-friendly option. In the past, nature stone contractors have offered prices as low as 99 cents per square foot, but this is just to get people in the door. These flooring systems can cost up to $15 per square foot for the installation alone, but that is not the end of it.

Nature stone flooring has many hidden costs, and many customers turn to OGI after realizing how much it will cost them in the long run. The flooring is vulnerable to mold and mildew and is incredibly difficult to clean properly. In fact, these contractors will often threaten customers with voided warranties if they do not pay for professional cleaning services through the installer.

Nature stone is a massive headache that simply is not worth the time and money. If you want low-maintenance, cost-effective flooring that you can clean without losing your warranty, epoxy flooring is the way to go. Ohio Garage Interiors even offers a 20-year warranty, so you know you are getting your money’s worth.

Please Don’t Do It Yourself

Peeling Garage Floor | Epoxy flooringOkay, so concrete isn’t enough, and nature stone isn’t worth the money. Why don’t you just install your own flooring and go the DIY route? This is becoming an increasingly common choice among homeowners, and DIY epoxy paint kits can be found in almost any hardware or home improvement store. While cutting out the middleman sounds appealing, DIY is not the amazing budget solution people make it out to be.

DIY epoxy products use low-quality materials that require extremely precise environmental conditions for effective installation. Whether it’s in the air or from human error, 99 times out of 100 something is going to go wrong. This will result in several defects in the new flooring, leaving you with 2 options: Try to make repairs that will probably cause more issues or repurchase everything and start from scratch.

By the time you get it right, you will have spent far more than you originally planned, and your floor will not look the way you want it to. With Ohio Garage Interiors, you can install quality flooring you can afford. Their professional contractors install high-performance epoxy flooring with incredible precision. Your new floor will be entirely defect-free, and you will not have to worry about costly repairs and replacements.

Get the Job Done Right with Epoxy Flooring Near Me

Shiny epoxy flooring installed by OGI | Epoxy flooring near me

Installing a new garage floor is a serious investment, and you should not feel obligated to spend more than you are comfortable with. You deserve flooring solutions that work best for your home with materials that will last for years without constant maintenance and repairs. Ohio Garage Interiors puts an emphasis on strength and longevity for their garage flooring, so you always receive the highest quality on the market.

If you are looking for epoxy flooring near me in Northeast Ohio, you can depend on OGI. Are you unsure of what you are looking for in a new garage floor? No problem! Get in touch with OGI today, and their team can discuss available options and even schedule an inspection for a free estimate!

By Published On: July 13, 2021Categories: Garage Flooring Companies4.9 min read939 wordsViews: 736