You just walked out of a job interview. You answered all the interview questions confidently and really hit it off with the hiring manager. You nailed it! But you’re not done yet. Time to talk about how to write a follow up email after the interview.

Most hiring managers pay very close attention to how well and how quickly you write a follow up email after the interview.

My advice? Start your follow up email as soon as humanly possible by writing an unforgettable interview thank you note. You might even want to go as far as having it ready ahead of time so all you need to do is paste it into your email program and send it.

As we go through how to write a follow up email, remember the following dos and don’ts.

Dial-In Your Email Message

Do: Refer To Specific Details Discussed During The Interview

The body of your email should acknowledge or reiterate details that were discussed in the interview. This will also help the hiring manager/s remember you clearly and distinguish you from other candidates. For example, let’s say your interviewer mentioned that the department is facing challenges with scaling their social media platforms.

In your follow up email, you can touch on this point and reinforce how your skills in social media can help them address those challenges.

This is also a prime opportunity to introduce a point that you may have forgotten to mention during the interview. I’ve done that myself. Driving home from the interview and thinking to myself, crap I really wanted to mention that and forgot. Now’s your chance.

how to write a follow up email after an interview

Don’t: Write Generic Thoughtless Statements

This is your last chance to position yourself as a top hiring candidate. Avoid writing a follow up email that only sums up the same closing sentiments you used in the interview.

For example, don’t simply write, “Thank you for your time yesterday. I’m excited about the idea of joining your team!” Be specific as to why you’re excited about joining the team.

Keep It Short And To The Point

Do: Keep It To a Single Paragraph

Although most hiring managers appreciate a follow up email, it’s important to keep your message short and to the point. Aside from hiring a candidate for the role, they’re likely working on other projects in tandem and don’t have time to read lengthy follow-up emails. Limit your follow up email to one paragraph or two shorter paragraphs.

Don’t: Use The Same Verbiage From Your Cover Letter

Don’t make the mistake of overwriting and repeating the information that was in your cover letter. The hiring manager already knows your basic qualifications, job history, and why you think you’d be great for the role. 

Your follow up email must enhance, not restate, what you’ve already shared about your qualifications.

how to write a follow up email that stands out

Time On Target

Time on target is a concept I learned while serving in the Marine Corps. Basically, what it means is the maximum amount of time we could be on the ground at the target location. That pre-determined amount of time was meant to keep us focused, efficient, and alive.

Outside of the military, that concept is very applicable to many parts of our life, including job hunting. Timing is everything when it comes to securing a job. The timing of sending a follow up email is critical to the process.

Do: Send Your Follow Up Email Within 24 Hours

The hiring process is a whirlwind for recruiters and hiring managers. It’s best to send a follow up email within 24 hours so that your name and impression stays at the forefront of thor minds as they review other candidates.

Don’t: Procrastinate

With the majority of human resources professionals citing a follow up email as being helpful, this isn’t a task to delay.

Being proactive also shows your motivation for the role, and how focused and productive you are in your day-to-day work.

learning how to write a follow up email after an interview


Knowing how to write a follow up email after an interview won’t necessarily guarantee you the job, but it’s a professional and personal way to show your appreciation, interest, and motivation for wanting the job.

By Published On: April 29, 2021Categories: Career Development3.7 min read710 wordsViews: 829