Here Are Some of the Main Uses of 8×8 Glass Blocks
If you are searching for 8×8 glass blocks, it helps to understand all of the ways these blocks can be used as a design feature. While you may have seen decorative glass block windows, there are dozens more opportunities to enhance a space using glass blocks.
An important part of elevating your space with glass blocks is to find a reliable glass block warehouse supplier. Those who work in the industry will be able to provide design tips and tricks to turn your vision into reality.
Need help getting started? Here are some creative ways that 8×8 glass blocks, and glass blocks of all sizes, can be used in your home or building.
Garden and Deck
One popular use for 8×8 glass blocks is in a garden or outdoor deck area. While you may not consider glass blocks an outdoor feature, they accentuate the light flow of any outdoor space.
Some homeowners prefer to use glass blocks as a way to divide sections of their garden. For example, if you have a fountain feature in your backyard, 8×8 glass blocks may serve as a divider between the fountain and the natural plants and flowers. Glass blocks can also work as a way to encase a special plant or tree that you want separate from the rest of your garden.
If you’re looking for a way to spruce up your outdoor deck, consider glass blocks as a floor feature. 8×8 glass blocks, or any specific size, can create a square section in your deck that stands out from the traditional wood. This is an added design feature that will set your deck apart from the rest. It also allows you to capitalize on the natural light flow, and will brighten your space naturally. Talk to the professionals at a glass block warehouse for ideas on utilizing glass blocks in your garden or outdoor space.
Panels and Windows
Perhaps most prominently, glass blocks are used as panels and windows. Decorative glass block windows are seen in homes and buildings everywhere as a modern twist on the classic window design. When you find the right glass block warehouse, you can customize the style of glass you use in your decorative glass block windows. Maybe you want a specific pattern, such as waves or squares, imprinted in your glass. Glass block suppliers can customize the 8×8 glass blocks to fit your vision.
Glass block panels are commonly used in basements as a way to protectively seal the space from outdoor elements. Not to mention, glass block panels are extremely low maintenance. Once you have 8×8 glass blocks installed as panels in your basement, the work is finished. You can rest assured that your space is safe from the outdoors and will last for years.
Break Up Space
Glass blocks are a great way to break up a large room or space into a smaller area. Think of a large section of 8×8 glass blocks sealed together as a type of wall. This design feature creates a divide in your living room area, for example, while allowing natural light flow to spill into the space. Unlike a traditional wall, this glass block feature won’t completely block off the space on the other side.
Talk to a glass block warehouse about the ways in which you can utilize glass blocks as a divider. You’d be surprised at how versatile 8×8 glass blocks can be in a home, office, or any type of structure. Glass blocks present an opportunity to get inventive with your design, and make a space that really stands out.
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